Wirral Down Syndrome Education Forum
Wirral Down Syndrome Education Forum supports families and schools by providing training opportunities for parents, carers and professionals to learn more about Down Syndrome and the ways in which they can help the children and young people achieve their potential. The forum runs training events throughout the academic year. Events are designed primarily to meet the needs of families, teachers, teaching assistants and others working in schools but anyone working with or caring for someone with Down Syndrome is welcome to attend. Events are organised by a team of professionals and parents and many events areĀ FREE. Sundowns is an ongoing supporter of the Forum, having provided funding for some events run by the Forum.
Each year Wirral Down Syndrome Education Forum aim to run:-
- At least 1 training day in September/October aimed at supporting schools get started in the new academic year
- At least 1 training event each term -usually twilight events 3.30-5.15pm
These are informal meetings, often with a speaker and where school staff are encouraged to share and exchange good practice.
Events are advertised on this website.